
about time

it's been too long since i've written on my blog...apologies.

     I've been in school for a little over two weeks.  So far everything has been going well.  I've been meeting people inside and out of my classes, everyone is nice for the most part (however they could a little clique-ish).  The hardest thing is not living on campus.  It definitely has it's pros and cons, but it seems when starting out it's always a little more inconvenient as far as the social aspect. You would think by now I would have the hang of starting new, since this IS my FOURTH college in 3 years. hahaha...but my shy self always seems to start out lying low and being content with observing.  Trying to change that currently :P haha
     But none the less I am happy i've decided to come :) Turns out, they are going to accept my spanish courses and give me that language minor even though they don't teach it out here.  And even better I'll be graduating ON TIME! (if all goes well, lol) so i'll be finishing half way through the school year here in June of next year.  However I won't march until December at the end of their year. I'm actually pretty stoked about that, because I thought I'd at least be a semester behind.
So as of now I will be graduating with a major in Communications (kinda focusing on PR and Event Management) and I'll also have minors in Visual Arts and Spanish.
     Other than school I've just been chillin, looking for work, playing bball intramurals, going to the beach, been to a couple BBQs, and just trying to enjoy my time. Australia is beautiful and I can't wait to explore it more :) OH! and sorry i have not posted any pictures, I am currently waiting for my new camera charger to come in -___- soooooon though.
    I'm leaving out a bunch of other things, but this post is getting a little lengthy so i'll wrap it up here.  Just wanted to give a gist of mi vida! Hope everything is well with all you guys. I'll try to update it more frequently!

w/ love from down under

- sabrina

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