
ladies and gentlemen...well i guess only the ladies. If you didn't like him before, you're bound to like him now....all grown up since his high school musical days. woooooweee! enjoy.


if you can't take the heat...

okay venting time:

We started up flag football intramurals at drayson this week. We had a game yesterday, all girls league, and today we had a game for the coed league. Now, let me just say I am usually a calm, cool, and collected type of player; ya know, the good sportsman type. I don't trash talk, I rarely argue with the ref, and I let most things just roll off my shoulder.

BUT.....this beezy....wasn't getting on my last nerve, she hit it. here it is in a nutshell:

  1. she complains that our rush is too rough (she was blocking) and that we were running right into them. uuhhh....you're a freakin' blocker, it's your job! (but we get a penalty anyways)
  2.  turning things around..I was doing the blocking and she was doing the rushing. She runs straight into me full force, i'm bigger/taller than her, so basic physics takes it's course and i  end up knocking her on the ground. she makes a big scene about it. (and WE get the penalty) so this chick is already talking trash about me and complaining to the ref that i'm "too rough" or that my elbows keep coming out (which they WEREN'T)

  3.  couple plays later, she trips and falls face first into my block and screams "c'mon! are you serious!" and tries to get the call....so i shout back at her saying "i'm not even touching you!!"

  but at that point i actually had to take myself out of the game because i was SO mad and frustrated with that chick that i probably WOULD have pulled a "SABRINA SMASH" (you guys know what i'm talking about LOL) and actually give her something to cry about....

basically if you can't take the heat....get out of the kitchen.  if you're gonna be a little B about every hit that you take...DON'T play a contact sport!! (especially the two positions that REQUIRE you to hit people!)      aaaaaand end rant.

okay sorry 'bout that...hope everyone's week was good and that your weekend is even better ;)


family, babies, and s'mores

 born september 22, 2011 at 8:30 in the morning...Stella Dominique Cruz
 he's ready to be a grandaddy.....that's my sister's job :P
 so tiny!!
 indoor s'more maker.....'nough said

overall....had a great weekend with family. i love them to death. congratulations uncle jeff and aunty marry to the new little one! (that's 3 little girls for them....good luck unlce. haha)


a year..

This day last year was my first full day in Argentina....how time flies, and things change.

cannot believe it's been a year. te extraño Argentina.


yo sueño en español??

         weirdest thing...the past two nights i have dreamt in spanish. This only happened a total of 3 times in Argentina, so it's easy to see why I am fascinated that this has happened TWO nights IN A ROW. it's weird...but pretty cool.  sueños dulce a todos (sweet dreams everyone)


down time and decisions

CURRENT LOCATION: Crafton Hills College Library (waiting for next class to commence)

Been in school for almost two weeks now, and i've got to say i'm enjoying it. I know i complain about it a little, but that's just because there are a few homies still out here that haven't started school, and i would RATHER be hanging out with them! haha.
But  overall, I enjoy learning, and I like taking classes, and i like being challenged.  It's a little weird right now, taking normal classes and all, because it's been about a year since i've taken any...in ENGLISH.  Yes, i obviously took classes in Argentina, but those classes were geared more towards having you more exposed to the language than the actual subject. (if that makes sense) but anywho, yeah, so i'm liking it thus far.
However the future still wearies me...where to go? what to do? how to do it?..decisions decisions decisions. Yeah everyone tells you "hey, you got time!" or "don't worry it will come to you", and even "just choose one thing and go for it!".....but the thing is, i really DON'T have that much time (i mean if i wanna graduate in a timely manner) i kinda have to figure this out within the next 4 months...and it HASN'T come to me for 2 years now, and IF i already knew exactly what to do, i wouldn't be worrying about it. sigh..
we'll see, but for right now, i'll just take one day/ one class/ one step/ one PRAYER at a time.


here we go

new blog, new school year, new happenings...same me